Official submissions for Prompt Rumble 3/7 are now complete. We have a total of 9 entries to vote on. Voting will last for 48 hours or once all voters have…
We are currently registering for the next 48 hours for our next event. Prompt Rumble 3/7 registration ends on Saturday 3/9 and then we enter submission rounds. Submission round will…
Official submissions for Prompt Rumble 12/19 are now complete. We have a total of 7 entries to vote on. Voting will last for 48 hours or once all voters have…
We are currently registering for the next 48 hours for our next event. Prompt Rumble 12/19 registration ends on Thursday 12/21 and then we enter submission rounds. Submission round will…
Official submissions for Prompt Rumble 8/16 are now complete. We have a total of 8 entries to vote on. Voting will last for 48 hours or once all voters have…
We are currently registering for the next 48 hours for our next event. Prompt Rumble 8/16 registration ends on Friday 8/18 and then we enter submission rounds. Submission round will…
Official submissions for Prompt Rumble 6/22 are now complete. We have a total of 11 entries to vote on. Voting will last for 48 hours or once all voters have…
We are currently registering for the next 48 hours for our next event. Prompt Rumble 6/22 registration ends on Saturday 6/24 and then we enter submission rounds. Submission round will…